Re: Russian web site

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Posted by Jonathan ( on October 31, 2003 at 00:21:55:

In Reply to: Russian web site posted by John Collins on October 30, 2003 at 23:45:17:

Here it goes, I don't know if this will take several posts: It says:


I have a deep belief, that the statement of scientists about impossibility of the Perpetuum mobile are insolvent, even because statements that the God is not present are insolvent. And there is no God because under the statement of scientists - atheists, nobody saw it, and any miracle, in their opinion, it is possible to explain the simple, terrestrial reasons. As affairs and with the Perpetuum mobile are: to make it, under the statement of scientists - it is impossible, even because still nobody managed to make it, and the law of conservation of energy is unshakable!

Yes, the law of conservation of energy is unshakable, in what the author of these lines had an opportunity repeatedly to make sure on the experience. But in each law there are the exceptions, allowing to bypass the law, not breaking its essence. If in the law there is no exception, most likely, it is, but we simply do not know about it. For example, on the big speeds or at heats many laws do not work, or work not how we represent it to ourselves.

And not friction the basic enemy of Eternal movement as it is asserted with a science, and balance. And the even greater enemy are people. The interdiction of an official science on Eternal movement has reduced numbers wishing to make a miracle ? to make the Perpetuum mobile. What for to undertake an embodiment of illusions? ? many inventors reflecting about energy sources asked themselves a question. Also left aside attempts of the decision of this question, not trying at all to invent the Perpetuum mobile. And in vain.

Occurrence of the Internet has expanded opportunities of mankind, has allowed to receive quickly the information necessary for effective creativity. And so: on the Internet it is a lot of if not Perpetuums mobile, then their details and units.

There is no doubt, that ancient keltam the Perpetuum mobile was known. The indirect demonstration of it is keltskaja coin C of XI century on which the cross with four groups containing on three balls is represented. Blades of a cross are bent in such a manner that between them it is mentally possible to enter four spheres.

I have shown figure of a coin to the priest who at once has told, that three balls is a symbolical image of the Sacred Trinity. Why their four groups ? it could not answer. My opening and the invention prove, that on a coin the basic detail of the mechanical device is represented. And balls are cargoes. By the way, till now it is not known and purpose enough the big fenced platforms found by archeologists, located on keltskih settlements is not clear. Most likely, there just also there were Perpetuums mobile.

In history of the Earth the Perpetuum mobile existed not time, in quarrels and wars the mankind not it lost time. Sometimes the Perpetuum mobile appeared much more before time, and simply was not necessary for mankind.

One of last designs of the Perpetuum mobile was a design made Ioganom Besslerom, (Johann Bessler1680-1745) in 1712. It was not the swindler as it is asserted by its ill-wishers about what John Collins's book narrates. In this book, from which the writer results endurances on the site, the commission from many authoritative scientists of that time has confirmed the validity of the machine made Ioganom Besslerom which worked without a stop 54 days. The wheel could lift a cargo in weight about 40 kg. On height about 5 meters. Under statement Besslera, it had not a device for extraction of free energy, and true PPM (perpetuum mobile). Peter the Great wanted to buy the Perpetuum mobile, but Peter's death has changed a course of history, and the Perpetuum mobile was buried in oblivion, and the author has died in poverty.

John Collins writes, that ostensibly, Iogann Bessler in the figures has ciphered a secret of the engine, and results possible variants of decoding of every possible strangenesses in its figures.

As I consider, Iogann Bessler long, every possible hints tried to let know the sc truth, duplicated in mass-media. Finally around of a theme of Eternal movement the critical atmosphere, and the enthusiasts was created, risked to engage in this theme, began to be derided, and sometimes even to be compared to lunatics and swindlers that was on a hand to machine engineers and owners of energy carriers.

In due course the mankind has understood, that any resources are final, but the attitude to a theme of Eternal movement has not changed.

I work above this theme since 1997, and is confident, that I shall help mankind to leave illusion of impossibility of the Perpetuum mobile. I know, how the Perpetuum mobile works, and, despite of everything, with the Divine help, I shall soon make it. Only catastrophic shortage of money, the machine tools, constantly pursuing me, yet have not allowed to make the high-grade unit. On this site I publish figure of the elementary Perpetuum mobile, I describe a principle of its work.

The basic detail of the Perpetuum mobile is the cross. My opening proves, that the cross has not only spiritual force, but also physical, that even more emphasizes force and Jesus Christ's power, the validity of christianity. My opening should unit all Christians, repulse antiChristian sects and doctrines, and to approach tsarstvie heavenly. There are all bases to assert, that the cross is Jesus Christ's invention. Therefore I consider what to patent a cross ? immorally. First, because it is the another's property, secondly, - somehow not so conveniently to be in the co-authorship good luck. As a last resort, to patent it is possible, but only from blessing church.

Besides I not the supporter of patenting of main principle of Eternal movement therefore as I understand, that the patent will brake scientific and technical progress. Therefore I consider, that key knowledge of principles of Eternal movement is necessary for making property of mankind, and razmeshchaju them on this site.

Victor Litvinov. ppm||

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