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Posted by Michael ( on October 31, 2003 at 13:00:20:

Three's an idea I've been toying with every now and then, that after my last message to john on twin rimmed wheels I went home and drew out. There's something I should explain about leverage that will help out anyone having problems with (I know I did when I first started). Leverage is pretty simple using a lever and two weights balanced (or not) at either end. But it can "seemingly" get a little difficult when using multiple ratios and or gears. All this cna be simplified but just measuring the vertical distance traveled by the weights. If on travels further than the other, it has sway over the other, if the same they balance. Now..

I went and drew out this idea of two interacting wheels. All weights are always at the rims of the wheels. One of the wheels is set about halfway and lower than the other one. Call the higher wheel A and lower wheel b. All weights begin on a wheel. There is a way to move weights from a-to b and back again, and gain potential. Call this master movement what it is-a cycle. This cycle has Three Seasons to it. First a weight is moved to B wheel, this creates an imbalance in the system and rotation begins.This is the "season" where most of the potential is harvested. This continues until both wheels have achieved equalibrium, and like all things this state of balance is needed, and is in the center, that is it is the second season. The weights turn under this "season" to a paticular angle, and then the third begins, where the weights are then transfered back to A wheel. This last season is completely different than the first, and all are different from each other. At the beginning of this third season a little potential is gained (at first) but then energy needs to be expended to put them in their right places. Here's the beautiful part. The energy it takes to move them back is far less than the energy gained. That is-the vertical distance traveled by the weights going back is lesser than what's gained. There's also a pause by some of the weights the NEEDS to happens during ONE of the seasons, that basically they rest for a period...running oout of time will continue...

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