Re: How do you now it's me?

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Posted by Jonathan ( on November 02, 2003 at 03:15:52:

In Reply to: Re: How do you now it's me? posted by Patrick on November 01, 2003 at 09:58:59:

What are you two talking about?! How does this have any relevance to this thread? You just popped out of nowhere and started talking like you've been having this conversation within earshot of everyone here, where was thins continued from, and why continue it here?

: Hi Mitch;
: Yes I do care. Nice of you to accedo castus. I want to try and be a postive influence on this earth especially when it is so tempting to be negative.
: pax pacis,
: Patrick

: : Yes Pat, I'm here. It's nice to know someone still cares. I know what you mean about the internet being a "scary" place. . . even as your words are dripping with "immanitas intellectus".
: : Ok then, I am quilibet. Now forgive me as I remeo to patria nemus. That is unless, you have something else you wish to tell me.

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