Re: Upgrading the board (request for feedback)

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Posted by Fletcher ( on November 04, 2003 at 01:32:56:

In Reply to: Upgrading the board (request for feedback) posted by Scott Ellis on November 03, 2003 at 19:26:31:

Hi Scott, Just to let you know, Rainer is away in Germany for another 10 or 12 days or so. He regularly visits many discussion boards & is a 'weapon' on this stuff. I for one would value his opinion before you make your decision. I don't know that he will be accessing while he away. If he is he will probably put in his two cents worth before he gets home.
Cheers Fletch

: At last! I've decided to upgrade the board... and soon. Thanks to everyone for bearing with me all this time, and for nudging me to do the upgrade.

: Now the question is: which discussion board software should we use?

: Here're the requirements as I see them. I would welcome your ideas on other desired features as well.

: I think the new board should:

: 1. support a public forum (no login required).
: 2. also support a members only forum (login required).
: 3. support file uploads (images and movies, at least for logged in users).
: 4. support polls (initiated by me or logged in users).
: 5. be as easy as possible to moderate and maintain (good admin tools and/or support).

: I've done some basic research and compiled a short list of contenders. Does anyone have any experience with these boards? Do you have opinions or advice to share before I choose one?

: In my order of preference right now, the contenders are:

: phpBB (free)

: Invision Power Board (free)

: vBulletin ($160)

: Thanks in advance for any input you have to offer. I'll probably decide on something pretty soon...

: Thanks,
: Scott


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