Posted by David ( on April 25, 2003 at 10:01:15:
This is a letter I have been debating writting for a couple of days now, at the moment it seems timely. First my position on Bessler. Although I do appreciate John Collins work, there is no doubt John is pro Bessler. John please don't take this as a slight against you, I guess anyone who believes in something (myself included) is apt to rush to the defence of what they believe to be true. But...I must point out that for every actual historical piece of data on Bessler none of it points towards absolute proof, and is only circumstance. For every piece written about him I can find at least 3 other similarities in con artists, Dennis Lee, Joeseph Newman, Keeley, etc. Again I am not saying he was a fraud, but am not saying he was not. I would like to compose an unbiased list of similarites, and then see where it sits, but I am not sure if it would be appreciated. That being said I am only 90 percent sure he was a fraud. 1, because I am pro free energy myself, and 2, because when I first started in my experimentation I discovered something to do with swinging weights. This was close to seven years ago. I was able to cause two weights to interact with each other in such a way that one of the weights wich started at the 12 oclock position was made to rotate very fast (at least 8 rotations) in one mode. In the other both weights were made to go back to their starting positions multiple times from one impulse, but the motion was random (or seemingly chaotic). I tried to harness it,to make it continuess but was not able to. I have since thought of a new way, maybe it will work.
Secondly, I have been checking the net out for a years regarding free energy. Let me tell you, 80 percent of it is composed of con artists, or people who's only intent is to waste serious peoples time, or just plain flakes. So my advice to anyone serious about this, learn as much as you can, be helpful, but any insiteful information you aquire on yout own, I would keep to yourself. You have a lot to lose by giving it out, and much to possibly gain by staying quiet. Consider patents, or at least building the thing (whatever that invention is) before spreading the news around. I made the mistake of posting some info up for a few days before I came to my senses. Luckly only a few people saw it. I had sent a nondisclosure agreement to a well known sceptic and said basically, I know this will work, mathamatically it will work. Isn't that good enough for recognician? He said no, I see your idea, looks interesting, but I don't think it will work. I spent the time and money building it, and he was right, it didn't. BUT...I also realized I built part of it wrong. The idea still has merit, but it will come later. Even if you have to wait years, it is in YOUR best interest. Sometimes a patent takes 2 years. I know John Collins has filed. One last example. There was an expereiment I performed a few years ago that resulted in something I am sure no one else has ever seen. In fact I told a friend who was taking physics in university about it and his eyes shot up. He said he wished he had been a part of that. The experiement was repeatable every single time. Now although it was interesting it wasn't revelatory. However,when I performed the experiment using serveral of the items, it showed a cohesive unionization that I did not anticipate...!!!every single time. There is a discussion board I use to frequent and there was some one on there that by out discussions with eath other I found to be pleasent and honourable. I ended up telling him about the first part of the experiment and asked him not to tell anyone. He agreed. A couple of weeks later I asked him if he told anyone, and he said no, but he tried the experiment himself and it didn't work like I said. I felt a little relieved because although I couldn't see what I could use it for at the time (and still don't , yet another one) at some point spomething may come of it. That was also close to 6-7 years ago. A couple of years after that I found out through the same discussion board this person was listed at a free ene