Posted by David ( on April 26, 2003 at 11:45:03:
In Reply to: Re: My position posted by ovyyus on April 25, 2003 at 17:48:35:
: Hi David,
: You say you are 90% sure that Bessler was a fraud. That's pretty sure, isn't it.
No it isn't
: I have to ask, why are you here? Why do you persist if you're so sure Bessler faked his demonstrations?
: Yep, the World is full of con artists, no surprise there. The World is also full of sceptics. The con man milks us of our money while the sceptic milks us of our dreams.
I am doing neither, rather am I am only looking into on objective view point of what is real,trying to seperate real data from the sway of belief. I also am not a sceptic.
: It would seem you've become a sceptic looking for a way out of a difficult problem.
Um no I am not a sceptic and which problem are you talking about? Now although you and I seemed to agree before I am now asking Scott to step in here and make a point of intervention. I was admonished not to post regarding opinion based objections of a personal nature, everyone else has to follow suit, including yourself.
: Ah, but if it wasn't for that damned 10%.
: What I don't understand is how you can prove your point of view with no evidence to back it up. There is no first hand historical report that proves fraud, far from it.
There is also no evidence to prove the contrary and that's my whole point of it. For every actual piece of REAL historical data that's had a circumstancial idea put towards it that favors it being real, the same can be done in reverse. I can also show how for every "it's impossible for a 500 pound machine to run for 54 days on stored power" statements to be quite untue and I am about to.
: If you really want everyone to sit up and take notice then why not replicate Bessler's 'faked' demonstrations.
Take notice of what my dear friend?
: Nothing like a good old fashioned demonstration to win an arguement :)
Amen, why don't you go ahead then and build a real model??? Prove it to the world. (which by the way is opposite to your already admited position that it wasn't real perpetual motion. Oy Vey.)