Re: Question for John Collins

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Posted by Lurker ( on June 02, 2003 at 20:52:27:

In Reply to: Re: Question for John Collins posted by Darren on June 02, 2003 at 19:55:29:

I wish you luck with your endeavor, but I doubt it will succeed even if you can produce a working device. One of the reasons why over-unity devices have not become publicly available is precisely because the inventors believe they will be welcomed by the scientific establishment once they have produced a working device. Believing this, they go through all of the traditional channels such as getting a patent, trying to sell the rights to a large company, etc. I cannot even begin to describe how many times this sort of thing has happened in the past, only to have the invention buried, never to be heard of again, so to speak.

Bessler himself followed a similer path. He thought that proving his device was enough. It wasn't. It will probably be the same with you. Again, I wish you luck, but I doubt you will get far. In the mean time, we will all keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.

As for me being paranoid? Let me tell you something about that. To fear a monster which does not exist is being paranoid. To fear a monster which you KNOW exists is to be sensibly cautious. I am sensibly cautious.

You are paranoid when you think that the people here would "steal" your idea and get credit for it. If you were to describe it in detail and let it be posted here, this would be a public record. It would prove beyond all doubt that this is YOUR idea, that YOU had it first (assuming it is different from everyone else's of course).

Of course, if you made this idea public, you would not be able to patent it. I doubt patenting it will do anyone any good anyway, least of all you. First of all, patents only last for about 20 years anyway. So, assuming you have a working device, and that you patent it, you will only have 20 years of legal monopoly over the device. It may take you many years to actually get the patent, and a great deal of money.

If and when you get a patent, you will need to form a company which can build and market a product, or find some company that is willing to by the rights to it. To make a long story short, past history demonstrates that this strategy will not work. You might succeed in getting a lot of money, but your device will be buried, and you will need to keep quiet about it. It will not become publicly available.

: Again, I don't really care if everyone believes me, I hope to introduce this via restricted and specific channels... select university professors, select *mainstream* science periodicals, and select *hardcore* skeptics. Get them to understand the foundation principle that drives the wheel and they can do the rest of the convincing themselves. I'm out of it after that point.

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