Posted by Darren ( on June 03, 2003 at 16:25:29:
In Reply to: Re: Anyone see this? posted by O.U.R. on June 03, 2003 at 16:02:21:
: To quote Darren, "I have, it doesn't work". Are we to believe you built a model and tested it and it failed? If so, let us see how you built it and see how it failed. Or is this another "my computer model said so", routines.
Absolutely right, it was a Working Model 2D sim. Don't like that as proof, that's cool, your perogative, but as far as I'm concerned it was more proof to me than all of techstuff's pictures and verbal claims put together.
He "says" it works, but refuses to provide video or any other proof besides his words... I modeled it several different ways in professinal engineering software and saw that it didn't work (not that I really even needed to... it's an old design that was proven to not work a long time ago... see MT 1-20 and specifically 18) so I have no doubts at all.
: You also said that techstuff lied. Care to back up this claim as well?
Aside from the fact that it's an old, well known design that doesn't work... and that I modeled it and the sim failed... he said it spun up to speed and maintained... but it was pointed out by several people on that forum (not even me) that under those RPM his little weights would be pinned to the rim... it obviously wouldn't work... therefore he lied... QED
: I suspect that maybe you and ovyyus are the same person
From what I gather Ovyyus is the same person that built the site, is that correct? I may be wrong. But I think it's pretty easy to show that he and I are two different people... not that I even care much about whether you believe me or not :-)
As a matter of fact I wouldn't be surprised if you "O.U.R." are in fact techstuff under another different name as well... funny how you've never posted under that name on this forum until now... and then jump to techstuf's defense. Not only that but techstuf has been known to post under different names on other boards as well. Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
: and notice I do not jump to the specious claim of saying I KNOW that my suspicion is a fact......unlike some that are understandably , although immaturely frustrated in their posts.
Whatever :-)