Re: Anyone see this?

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Posted by Lurker ( on June 03, 2003 at 12:13:27:

In Reply to: Re: Anyone see this? posted by ovyyus on June 03, 2003 at 02:40:40:

I must take exception to your calling his machine a scam. You are calling it a scam simply because you do not believe that it can work. You having never tested it for yourself, and so you do not know if it works or not. You BELIEVE that it will not work based on your understanding of currently accepted theories of physics. It is unfortunate that I must point out that our current understanding of physics is NOT complete, and that it cannot explain all observable phenomona.

Having said all that, it is certainly possible that the machine does not work as calimed. However, if this is so, then WHY did techstuff go to all the trouble of posting all the pictures and diagrams in the first place? You have not answered that question. He has nothing to gain. It is certainly possible that he is simply making an elaborate joke on everyone, but you must admit that is falls flat as a joke.

It is also possible, of course, that it is a way of throwing people off the real path to perpetual motion by getting them to waste their time in unproductive activities. I tend to doubt this, however. If this was so, the machine would have been very complicated and difficult to understand, thus requiring large amounts of time to examin and build.


: Note the rave accompanying the photos is from 'Techstuff'. I wouldn't be taking too much notice to what he says considering his recent overbalanced wheel scam. It just amazes me how these guy's consistantly and repeatably get away with their rubbish!

: Regards, ovyyus

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