Posted by Darren ( on June 06, 2003 at 22:35:55:
In Reply to: Re: Part III posted by Lurker on June 06, 2003 at 16:40:18:
: Very tantalyzing, Darren. I expect nothing less from you. You are a true desciple of Bessler. :-)
I'm trying :-) I just peeled myself away from my shiny new laptop after about two hours of messing with WM2D... must sleep... brain shutting down....
: Needless to say, I am very interested in this overunity principle that you mention. In fact, it is this fundemental principle that interests me far more than the actual design of the wheel itself. My personal belief is that there are probably MANY ways of building over-unity machines. The specific design is only of secondary importance at best.
You know, when I saw that you had responded to this thread my first thought was "uh oh... he's going to rag me..." but I have to admit, I really didn't expect this response from you. I agree! The OUP is the *really* cool part... the design is pretty much secondary (although the design is what's giving me all the heartache.)
: This assumes that over-unity machines are possible, of course. I'm not 100% convinced that they are, but I DO have personal reasons for believing that they are. Either they are, or there are some VERY good frauds out there. My biggest desire is to know for sure so that I can leave my personal uncertainties behind. Seeing a supposedly "working" machine is just not good enough for me. I need to know that the principle behind it's operation is valid. I'm sure most scientists feel the same way.
Again, I agree... this is the main reason I spent the last year doing the calculations for Design I over and over... I couldn't believe the numbers came out the way they did... and no laws of science were mistreated in the process... and just about anyone with basic trig and physics knowledge could understand why it works.
: Thus, it is my considered opinion that the fundemental priciple of operation is the MOST important thing here. The actual design of the machine is secondary. The ONLY reason that a working machine is important is to demonstrate that the principle of it's operation is valid.
I agree, although I'd like to A) more efficient (because I'm just anal that way), and B) try to match the Bessler clues if I can... but I'm coming to the realization that I don't think I'll be able to... not in this tight time period I've given myself... but just stumbling across this OUP in the first place was an amazingly cool thing to me.
: If you want my advice, don't spend too much time trying to make the "perfect" design. Just build something that works. Remember, demonstrating the principle of operation is the MOST important thing.
I think you're right, It's just that getting the more complex Design I done is harder, will take more time... I'm tired of waiting around.. that's why I imposed this completion date on myself, to push things. Whine whine whine... I want it simpler, I want it to work better, and I want it now. Whaaaah.
: If there is a simple way of demonstrating the principle without actually building a wheel, that would even be better. What you want is something simple that ANYONE can understand, and NO ONE can deny.
Well, I'm pretty sure with OU being as "impossible" as it is that nobody will believe squat without a working model, so yes, I could explain the OUP very quickly and easily.. and I bet all of you would get it right away... and some would say "Yikes! That's it? That's easy!" and some would say "duh... I don't get it, it don't use magnets" and the rest would say "no, I don't care how cool the equations look, you *have* to build a physical model and even then we'll take it apart peice by peice to make sure you didn't cheat."
So, that leaves me with building a model to prove it... I just wish I could figure out a simpler design so the prototype could get done quicker and without frying my brain, that's all.