Posted by Michael ( on November 02, 2003 at 12:56:04:
In Reply to: Re: Bessler's Clues revealed posted by Michael on November 01, 2003 at 13:25:45:
If someones wondering why I put the information of the four horsemen in my last message the reason is I'm using a reference to show that the bible(something Bessler oft used as his coding source) is not what people typically think. What ancient schools-schools that Greece, Egypt, Isriel, Persia, Rome, etc.built, what are refered to as mystery schools, myth/s, secret brotherhoods, and the occult (hidden) all had in common was the heavy use of analogy and secret symbols-secret stories, to encode the knowledge they had regarding principles of the cosmos. I think Bessler knew this, I believe he was a gnostic, you might be suprised at how much some people knew even 100 years ago. It is a well documented fact that the Roman Catholic Church was/is a mystery school. In fact todays pope even stated this publicly. Most of the story of Jesus is much older than that personality, but the stories hold hidden keys. So...
Bessler quotes the three planets, and that they are ready for any battle. The only battle of concern-ultimately-then and today, is against the angel of death. Others names-the Devil (lived backwards), The eternal serpent that decieves, satan-or Shatan (in Hebrew) which literally means the angel of death-the jews have no Devil, Kali, and what we call entropy or decay. It was widely believed in Bessler's time-before and after that those three planets were in alignment at the time of the icon Jesus's birth, and that they were the star seen. The main theme of the Jesus story-is the trancendence-the ascent-the victory over death. I say ascent because practitioners of these mysteries believed that gravity was the reason everything material was not eternal. All things arise from the earth-all things go back to the earth. Only those wise asend into the heavens Isis, Jesus (who showed the way,remeber he was trained in egypt) and of course many others, but you'll have to look these up.The rest, until they were ready went somewhere else. All ancient schools believed that the afterworld the rest was in the earth, the the greater mass of the earth, it's womb, held all souls when they died. This is seen in the stories of Egypt-Osiris, Greece-Hades, Persia (or maybe it's assyria,I'll look it up) which had Hel. Note the word Hel-and the missing l from Hell. Hel-the original, was not a place for the evil, but the afterworld. There was a force they understood that gave form to all things material, and caused all things to decay and go back to the earth. We call it gravity. An example of what IT has been called by some of these schools was the serpent-or eternal serpent that eats its own tail. The dragon that sits on the throne, and fixes ALL with its gaze and secrets a poison that kills all things-by the alchemists.
The peacock. This might bother some people but it is absolutley true. The REAL story of lucifer is synonomous with the story of Jesus. Lucifer comes from a latin word that means Venus-or the morning star. It means light bringer. The alchemists version of Lucifer (and trust me you will not find Lucifer at all in the bible unless it's a misinterpretation of something else) and the real meaning is of one who came from the infinite potential of God. Fell (here's where everything gets confused and misplaced) INTO material substance-the lowest part of the abyss-the end point, struggled for a time, and rose again-glorius and majestic-in the form of the peacock. The peacock-was a symbol for lucifer-or the final phase in the alchemists work. The peacock is also a symbol for the firey bird that crashes to the earth, and is born again from flame. Hence the statement As Above-So Below. Again, it's the story of victory over death and entrapment. Victory over entropy, victory over gravity. So When Bessler uses the three planets in reference to his machine, and states his wheel is as proud as a peacocks tail, he is saying my machine has victory over entropy and over gravity.
More to come...