Posted by Michael ( on November 01, 2003 at 13:25:45:
In Reply to: Bessler's Clues revealed posted by Michael on November 01, 2003 at 11:24:28:
couldn't sleep.
So... "some" clues and what I think...this directly related to my other message on the diagram I worked on.
Cat snatches juicy mice. On the design I built and have been promising to send Scott a photo of where it's 80 percent finished, and will remain so, I designed a 2 hook system where at the bottom of the rotation of one of the wheels 2 hooks swing out and pick up a weight that was circular, and had a pin running through its center. The weight actually needed to roll a certain distance, that's the reason why it is circular. The hooked wheel would pick this weight up by the horizontal pin and bring it to a different level, where the hooks would then retract and the weight was free to go to this new place. The hooked system used very little energy (relative to the entire machine). I "think" this is the idea of the cat snatching up mice, as cats have retractable claws, and may have even fed the idea of pins that swing away at the wheels apex. Although this machine of mine will not work, the idea I recently posted (proven on paper) needs such a device-or something like it.
The three kingdoms. Everything has three kingdoms-even the earth. I believe this relates to the values of potential experienced by everything. Typically we think our year on earth has four seasons but two of those in terms of energy potential are the same. Summer and winter are the extremes and are the exact opposite, spring and fall are also opposite but have the same value. The number of hours in a day, and in the night, are the same. MUCH attention was paid to these times in the ancient world as the world was thought to be In Balance. These values are the real four horseman of the Book Revelation.
The first horseman-wears white, has a crown of gold on his head (the sun) and goes out to conquer; The spring
The second has a red horse and sword, and makes war; Summer, when energy-solar rays are at their highest.
The third carrys a balance in his hand, rides a black horse, and a voice is heard regarding grain and wine; Fall-harvest time. the balance=equal hours of day and night.
The fouth rides a pale horse and death rides with him; Winter.
The three planets and the peacock (the most contraversial section hence my disclaimer).
There has been a few different ideas on the three planets. Grim also posted it related to the formula of solder. To explain my take I need to go into the old mystery schools, of which the Roman Catholic Religion was-some say still is.
Sorry out of time again, am taking someone out for their birthday so if I don't get to this today I will try to tommorrow...