Posted by Michael ( on November 01, 2003 at 11:24:28:
Hi everyone.
First let me apologize if recent messages seem a little convoluted, but I am always under time restraints when posting larger amounts of material. I know I've posted ideas on Bessler's clues before, but I want to state these were just ideas, and what I am posting on now I absolutley believe. I also want to mention something for a very good reason. It takes but the slightest twist on the truth to confuse and divert those who are believers of that truth. as an analogy imagine a "wheel" with a large number of angles radiating out from the center. Now imagine 1 of those angles represents the real truth of a matter. Let's say that angle is 90 degrees.Someone comes and points out to you that the angle your looking for is this one here...and points to the 89.999 degree angle. It's very close to the truth, so you think it is the truth. Now if it terminates only a short distance away, you may be somewhat safe in assuming it's the thruth, even though it's not complete. But imagine traveling along this angle light years away from its orgin, or further. Your now actually many many miles off course. And if you still believe it's the truth you might never get to the real answer. And imagine the countless people who have defended this as the truth, dying for it even, and yet it is not. It's sad really. the reason I am stating this is because there are a few things regarding religion I am going to mention in reference to some of these clues, that may offend the religious reading them. It is not my intent to do this, but I am mearly stating the thruth (as I see it yes) but also what I mention can be fully referenced, and I hope some look into it. I am heading to sleep for a few hours,(just got off work) and am running out of time (again) so I will post on this a few hours from now.